28 Days For ClimateERA For Change students and staff believe that more should be done about climate justice and that we must take action. Pope Francis tells is in Laudato si’ that, “living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience.”
28 days For Climate is a month-long campaign with three components that allows schools to participate in a way that suits them. The three components are: Component One: Social Media Each day of 28 Days For Climate, ERA For Change posts a fact, tip or statistic about our climate. To participate in this element of the campaign, simply share this daily post. Component Two: Weekly Activity Each week of 28 Days For Climate is allocated a theme. The themes are water, energy, waste and emissions. To participate in this component, organise a weekly activity, teaching students how to be an advocate for this theme. Component Three: National Campaign One day out of the month long campaign, all participants will share a video and message created by students from across Australia. This message outlines the key messages of the campaign. To participate, you may want to share the video, or even send the video and accompanying message to your local, state or federal politicians - calling them to act on climate change. Click HERE to download your 28 Days For Climate starter pack. |